It’s cold, rainy and muddy outside. Set inside and do nothing (nice sometimes) or put on my colorful rubber boots and carry on….

I choose my rubber boots….

Life can be muddy, messy and drizzly out of human control but my attitude is everything!
In Christ I have pure Joy at my fingertips twenty four seven. Today I wear my rubber boots!
We have had to downsize and move from Colorado back to Texas due to my husband’s job loss last October. I can’t believe it has been over a year. It lasted for six long anticipating months and the after shock was financially stressful to say the least. Our lifestyle has changed dramatically! However, my joy is still abundant in Christ. I am not saying it has been a barrel of laughs along the way, quiet the opposite actually, but…. anticipating what surprises God has in store for us in this new territory of life, is and has been exciting. I am just as happy now in our very tiny rental on lots of land as I have ever been. Seems no matter what trials we have in life we all have our attitudes and mine has had to be adjusted on numerous occasions this last year and presently. I still miss some key things from my old world, like my luxurious bathroom and my gourmet dream kitchen, concrete… I miss concrete. You see, it is rainy here today and we are in a pasture, out in the country and my dirt driveway is over a half mile long! I miss CONCRETE! My colorful rubber boots mean a lot to me and are setting here by the door. I miss people most of all. Any people! I love love people and love to have company, lots of company, to cook for and visit with and have stay as long as they like. Anyone who knows me well, knows I love a house full. Well, my house is full with three of us our dog and occasionally four when our oldest is home from college. I don’t mean full in love, which it surly is, but truly, no room full! No guest rooms, no dinning room, no media room no extra bathrooms… no room! FULL! So lots of changes for me, as you can see. I am use to lots of friendly faces going in and out of my home all day long on any given day. If there is anyone on this property they have escaped from one of the local prisons and are hiding. Get the picture? So attitude is huge for me!See, it almost needed adjusting just now! I keep my attitude adjuster pointed north toward the face of God. He has given us a great place to stop and rest before moving on to whatever He has planned for us. I have chickens again, which most of you know, I love them! We have two big stout riding horses. My husband and I still like each other, not only that, we are still having fun together. I have always been a horse person, he has not, I have always wished he was….. well, now he is. He loves to ride as much as I do. Never thought I would see that happen. Blessing for me! Our dates use to be wine bars or pubs with fantastic atmosphere with lots of friends, now we ride, everywhere all the time! Our boys are great and love it out here. That was my main prayer request when we were praying about where to move. Another Blessing for me! Even though we are 13 miles from our youngest son’s school and town he has a friend to hang out with less than half a mile away. Blessing! We are all healthy, happy and saved by the Grace of God. What more could I ask for! But .. I am asking for more, God is the ultimate gift giver and I know He is still in the business of surprises. I wait on Him with my attitude on Joy, in my rubber boots!

Note: My husband was blessed with a fantastic job in Texas. Less stress and a Christian based company. Blessing!


Carrie said…
Such a great, inspirational post! Miss you!
kim kaye said…
You are an inspiration to us all. You are a great wife, mother and my best friend, I love you sista!

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