A new season for me.

School started on Aug. 22nd. Our oldest, Tanner, moved to his college dorm after 12 years of home schooling. Our youngest is going to public school this year, he is a freshman. Actually, he was to be a sophomore but Texas, which I forgot, is a bit tougher on home schoolers entering the system and would not accept his freshman homeschool credits. I contacted HSLD, (Home School Legal Defense) to be informed, they can do that. I know all the questions going through your head, if you are a die hard home schooler, I have ask myself all the same questions however, still choosing for him to attend our public school. Note: he is happy there. Everyone seems to be in their element. Well, except me. What to do. I recently went from urban girl to country girl. It has taken a lot of adjusting for me. We have lived in the country before but not like this! After living in Houston and Loveland, CO. I discovered, I am a city girl through and through. I love animals but would be really happy with horses at a boarding stable and a few city backyard chickens. I now have that here, under foot. This is Cadillac (Mr. Ed) to me. My husband's. I think he wanted inside that day.
I love my new baby chicks. They are a week old today and are in the house, in a homemade brooder in my very tiny laundry room. There were 14 but we are down one. I quickly realized, order an extra of your favorite one. There are cows in my front yard, not ours but a good friend’s. I say yard, it is a pasture which we live in the middle of.. My entertainment in the mornings is to grab a cup of coffee, set on the porch and watch the parade of cows headed to the back pasture. They seem to have a routine. The babies are so precious, I want to put the tiniest one in my lap but his mom protest loudly every time I get to close. They are the best playmates for our dog Benelli. She will stand among them and lay with them as if she is one herself. Some of them will but heads with her in play and even touch noses with her.
I am not looking forward to the day they are moved to another pasture to graze. I am afraid she will stand in the yard for hours wondering where they went. But for now, we will enjoy them. Especially the newest little bull, he is the cutest thing ever!

I have replaced my very high heels, I jokingly call my collection of “hooker heels” for a pair of rubber boots. Not that we have any mud around here due to the drought, but I can’t stand the dry grass, sticks, stickers, grasshoppers and dirt on my feet. So flip flops are out of the questions and my tennis shoes get way to dusty. But… they are not your ordinary rubber boots. My sweet parents mailed them to me and they are awesome and colorful. Everyone loves it here and I am slowly beginning to as well. I had a house full of company for the last week, my friend for CA. for nine days, my sister for two, a young couple, for two and my son and his three new friends were in and out all weekend, at one point we were all here in our tiny farm house and it was wonderful to say the least. They are all gone now, and it is quiet. David is working outside, the chicks are sleeping after all the noise in the house, Benelli is sacked out after a very long horse ride this morning with battle wounds from cactus and Garrett is at a friend’s down the road. All is quiet. For today it is fine but tomorrow I will wish they were all back here again. I am in a new season of life Ecc. 3:1 there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:
The question I have is: what is my activity going to be?


Carrie said…
Sounds Benelli is one happy pup! I love that you got your chickens!
Tabitha said…
You are in MY element. I wish i had all of those things...well, I do live in the middle of the pasture but with no fence...so no animals except dogs/cats!!

Did you know if you handle your chicks all the time they will come when called. I keep my dads chickens in my house until they are old enough to go home. I love them like dogs/cats and I did have one that when called would jump in my hand!! That can be your activity - training chickens - for now!! xoxo
No Greater Love said…
Oh, I LOOOOOVE these pictures. They are so cute. Especially the horse one, and the one of Benelli and the cow. :)

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